Events The Civil Guard opens an investigation into a 23-year-old driver for driving at...

The Civil Guard has opened an investigation into a 23-year-old driver who was driving at 213 kilometers per hour on the A-66 motorway, at...

War Ukraine Lavrov says there is a risk that “a third country” will get...

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said today that Ukraine's arms requests are a provocation to involve the West in military actions taking place in...

War in Ukraine Brussels unlocks Polish Recovery Fund by relying on questionable judicial reforms

The College of Commissioners of the European Union approved this Friday, after half a year of blockade, the Polish Recovery and Resilience plan, potentially...

Defense The Army dismisses the captain in charge of the unit that participated in...

The Army has dismissed the captain in charge of the unit that participated in a religious act in the Valley of the Fallen and...

Monarchy Food security and gender violence on Queen Letizia’s first day in Nouakchott

The tiny grains of sand slip through the clothes, reaching any point of the body, sticky due to the 38 degree temperature with a...

UK Boris Johnson says it would be irresponsible to resign and denies being a...

The "premier" Boris Johnson has assured that "it would not be responsible" to resign in the current circumstances and has denied being a "habitual...

Vodafone electricity companies will start operating in the energy business in Spain from autumn

Vodafone is expanding its range of services in Spain to the energy market, where it will start selling electricity starting next fall, according to...

Justice The Supreme Court refuses to review the conviction of ETA member Atristain despite...

Despite the favorable sentence from Strasbourg, Xabier Atristain gets 17 years in prison. The Supreme Court has rejected the request of the ETA member...

EU The European People’s Party elects Pons vice president, but with the least number...

The leader of the Popular Party, Esteban González Pons, has achieved his goal of being elected vice president of the European People's Party at...

Economy The navigation company TomTom will eliminate jobs by automating the creation of maps

TomTom will cut hundreds of jobs due to improvements it has made in automating its map-making activities, the Dutch digital navigation company said on...

Top 6 Stardew Valley Mods to Quench Your Thirst

Stardew Valley is a game known for its cozy and casual gameplay, but did you know that there are mods out there that can...