Spain They rescue the 11 crew members of a Galician fishing boat adrift in...

Three months after the sinking of the fishing vessel Villa de Pitanxo in the waters of Newfoundland, where 21 sailors died, the tragedy once...

Extremadura The mayors of Don Benito and Villanueva, escorted by the Police after knowing...

Neither Concordia del Guadiana nor Mestas del Guadiana. The decision announced yesterday by the committee of experts created for this purpose so that the...

War in Ukraine Denmark votes in referendum to join the common defense policy of...

With the war in Ukraine in the background, Denmark goes to the polls today to vote on whether the country should eliminate the clause...

Politics Sánchez praises himself for leading a “social and exemplary” government against a “destructive...

"We have a lot to celebrate." This is how the parliamentary spokesman for the PSOE, Héctor Gómez, opened the meeting of the Prime Minister...

War in Ukraine Germany will deliver to Ukraine the most modern anti-aircraft defense system...

Germany will make a qualitative leap in the supply of weapons to Ukraine, after the restraint with which the government of Social Democratic Chancellor...

Justice Bolaños affirms that the Government can appoint two magistrates of the TC despite...

The Government assures that it can appoint as of June 12 the two magistrates of the Constitutional Court that correspond to it in the...

Archeology Drought reveals 3,400-year-old city on the Tigris River

A team of archaeologists has discovered the remains of a 3,400-year-old Mittani Empire-era city that was once located on the Tigris River.The settlement emerged...

Courts Dolores Delgado ignores the Supreme Court and promotes again the related prosecutor who...

The Attorney General of the State, Dolores Delgado, has once again promoted the prosecutor Eduardo Esteban as prosecutor of the Juvenile Coordinating Chamber despite...

Politics Feijóo before his European partners: “I understand your uneasiness with the Government, but...

In his first international speech, the new leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has asked his European partners for confidence in the...

Spain June opens with 36 degrees in the Ebro and rains in the northwest

The month of June opens this Wednesday with uneven weather in Spain because the most intense heat will be in the Ebro valley, where...

Netflix Renews Tomb Raider Animation for Second Season

Netflix has decided to give Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft a second season, just two weeks after the show's eight episodes were...