Infraestructuras Renfe is charged as a ‘scapegoat’ to a technician of the Extremaduran train...

The multiple incidents and delays in the start-up for passengers of the new railway service in Extremadura in its first two days of service...

Spain The City Council of Totana denounces the dismissal of a lesbian for her...

The City Council of Totana (Murcia) has denounced that a winner in the LGTBI literary contest organized by the municipality has been fired for...

Italia Liga, Forza Italia and Cinco Estrellas refuse to vote on the motion of...

The 5 Star Movement, Forza Italia and Liga have refused in the Senate to participate in the vote on the motion of confidence in...

Nicaragua Daniel Ortega rules out agreements with the United States during a very lackluster...

"What dialogue can there be with the devil? Dialogues are to put the rope around one's neck or to put the rope on oneself."...

Chess Carlsen resigns to defend his throne in the 2023 World Chess

The Norwegian Magnus Carlsen, world number one in chess, announced this Wednesday that he is giving up defending his title at the 2023 World...

International Boris Johnson’s farewell before the deputies: “Hasta la vista, baby”

Boris Johnson said goodbye to the British Parliament on Wednesday after his last question session as prime minister, defending his career and launching a...

United Kingdom Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss advance to the final to succeed Boris...

Boris Johnson's succession is already a matter of two. Former Treasury Secretary Rishi Sunak and Foreign Secretary Liz Truss are the finalists in the...

Energy The Government rejects the European contingency plan: “No matter what happens, Spanish families...

The third vice president and minister for the Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, has announced that the Government "does not support" the proposed contingency plan...

West Africa Mali expels the spokesman of the UN mission in the country

The Malian transitional government has expelled this Wednesday the spokesman for the United Nations Mission in the African country (MINUSMA), Olivier Salgado, and has...

Middle East A bombing attributed to Turkey kills at least eight Iraqis

A Turkish attack in northern Iraq has tragically ended a peaceful day out. According to Agence France Presse, artillery fire from the Turkish army...

Creative Inspiration on YouTube: Tips and Tricks for Boosting Your Creativity

In this post, we’ll explore how you can find creative inspiration on YouTube and leverage it to enhance your own work, all while exploring...