The gaze of the correspondent Mysterious wave of attacks with syringes in bars and...

First scene. At the end of March at the Ware House in Nantes, a well-known concert hall, Charlotte, 19, is in the crowd with...

Today’s News Headlines, Tuesday, June 7, 2022

1.- Boris Johnson overcomes 'in extremis' the censorship of his deputiesThe British Prime Minister avoids having to resign for the time being after the...

Culture Colombia announces the discovery of two boats near the galleon San José

The president of Colombia, Iván Duque, announced this Monday that they found two ships near the area where the Spanish galleon San José is,...

Culture This was the last battle of the galleon San José

The San José, with its twin and companion until its end, the San Joaquín, was commissioned by the government of Carlos II in 1696,...

America The Minister of the Environment of the Dominican Republic is assassinated

The Minister of the Environment of the Dominican Republic, OrlandoJorge Mera, died this Monday when he was shot in his office, according to political...

Education Ayuso’s attempt to paralyze the Baccalaureate curriculum, closer to political success than judicial

Isabel Díaz Ayuso's appeal is closer to political success than judicial success. According to the jurists consulted, it has little experience in the Supreme...

USA New York increases the age to buy an assault rifle from 18 to...

The governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, signed into law on Monday several measures to tighten the control of firearms and the main one...

UK Boris Johnson survives censure motion

With 211 votes in favor and 148 against, the 'premier' Boris Johnson has survived the motion of censure promoted by the rebels of the...

Events A 26-year-old woman from Soria was arrested for throwing boiling oil at her...

The National Police has arrested a 26-year-old woman and a resident of Soria capital as the alleged perpetrator of the crimes of injury and...

Immigration The Jesuit Immigrant Service denounces the poor conditions of foreigners in the CIES

The Jesuit Immigrant Service has described the CIES (Foreign Internment Centers) as "hostile territory" in this year's report, because "there is no humanity or...

Drama Surrounding Star Wars Rey Movie Continues to Impact Writing Team

After years of a constant stream of Star Wars movies and TV shows, the franchise seems to be slowing down. The latest project to...