
The history of Mario, everyone’s favorite plumber, is a fascinating journey through the evolution of video game design. From his humble beginnings in the arcade era to his latest adventures on the Nintendo Switch, Mario has undergone numerous changes in his appearance and design.

In the early ’80s, Mario made his debut in the classic game Donkey Kong, where he was known as ‘Jumpman’. His design was a bit rough around the edges, with questionable features like broken feet and a nose that seemed out of place. However, as the years passed, Mario’s appearance became more refined and recognizable, culminating in the ‘Arcade Mario’ design that laid the groundwork for his future iterations.

When Nintendo’s home consoles brought new Mario games in the mid-’80s, his design underwent significant changes. The ‘Classic Mario’ design emerged, featuring iconic elements like the ‘M’ on his hat and the distinctive color scheme of red shirt and blue overalls. Subsequent games like Super Mario Bros. 2 and Super Mario Bros. 3 continued to refine his appearance, adding new details and animations that brought Mario to life in exciting ways.

The transition to 3D gaming in the mid-’90s marked a significant shift in Mario’s design. Super Mario 64 introduced ‘3D Mario’, a more model-like and textured version of the beloved character. This design evolution continued through the GameCube, Wii, and Wii U eras, with subtle tweaks and improvements to Mario’s appearance.

In recent years, Mario’s design has remained largely consistent, with slight updates and variations depending on the game or platform. From the whimsical ‘Paper Mario’ to the expressive ‘Mario & Luigi Mario’, each iteration brings its own unique charm to the beloved character. Even off-console ventures like LEGO Mario and Movie Mario have put their own spin on the iconic plumber, adding new dimensions to his design.

As we look to the future, one can only imagine what new iterations of Mario’s design may bring. Will we see a more detailed and realistic version of the character, or perhaps a return to his classic roots in a full All-Stars style remake? Whatever the case may be, one thing is certain – Mario’s design will continue to evolve and captivate fans for years to come.

What are your thoughts on Mario’s evolution? Which design is your favorite? Share your opinions and let us know what you’d like to see in the future of everyone’s favorite plumber!