Justice The judge asks to analyze the mobile of one of the victims of...

The judge of the National High Court, Ismael Moreno, has asked the Civil Guard to analyze the mobile phone of one of the victims...

Politics PSOE and PP show harmony to abolish prostitution together before a divided United...

The PSOE law to abolish prostitution makes its way through Congress thanks to the support, among others, of the Popular Party. This circumstance has...

War in Ukraine Merkel condemns invasion of Ukraine and regrets not having ended the...

Former Chancellor Angela Merkel has recognized in her first meeting with the press since her retirement from politics that "it has never been possible...

United Kingdom How much time does Boris Johnson have left?

British analysts agree that the internal censure motion against Boris Johnson may be "the beginning of the end of his term", despite having won...

Latin America The migrant caravan that challenges the Summit of the Americas

No one knows for sure how many migrants make up the caravan that left Tapachula last Monday, near the border with Guatemala; the organizers...

Interior Economy announces that it will reinforce the workforce of 12 airports with 500...

After denying the problems that passport control is causing in the main airports in Spain, the Ministry of the Interior has reported that it...

International About 800 civilians take refuge from the fighting in a chemical plant in...

Around 800 civilians are sheltering in a chemical plant in the city of Severodonetsk, in eastern Ukraine, where the Ukrainian and Russian armies have...

Politics Feijóo offers the PP to “add and build” and Sánchez replies that it...

First face-to-face between the President of the Government and the leader of the PP in parliament. Alberto Núñez Feijóo has opted against Pedro Sánchez...

Economy Congress rejects creating a tax for the rich and exposes the division between...

The Congress of Deputies has blocked the path with the votes of the PSOE to create a tax for large fortunes proposed by United...

Markets Spain places debt at the highest price since 2014 after losing support from...

Spain already places debt at the highest price since 2014 after losing support from the European Central Bank (ECB). The Treasury is forced to...

Bobby Hill Grows Up: King Of The Hill Revival Updates

Following Disney's acquisition of Fox, the beloved animated series King of the Hill is set to be revived on Hulu. The revival will feature...