A sharp and progressive rise in temperatures has given way this Saturday to the first heat wave of the summer in the Canary Islands. Tomorrow will be the second in the Peninsula, with maximums above 39-43 degrees, especially in Andalusia, Extremadura and Castilla-La Mancha.

This Saturday there has been a generalized thermal rise throughout the country, more pronounced in the interior of the northern half of the peninsula, western Galicia, and especially in the Canary Islands, according to data from the Meteorology Agency (Aemet) that affect the fact that during this episode , the highest records will be in the southwestern peninsular and the Canary Islands.

The Canary archipelago, which from today until Monday has an orange warning for a heat wave, will reach 36 or 37 degrees during the day in mid-range areas and even, in the south of Gran Canaria, 38 or 39 degrees, all of this accompanied by haze.

From today the suffocating heat will affect almost the entire country, although the highest temperatures will be reached in points of the Guadiana and Guadalquivir valleys and in the province of Badajoz where they can exceed 40-42 degrees, extending on Sunday to most of Extremadura and the entire Guadalquivir valley.

As a curious fact, it should be noted that of the entire peninsular geographical territory, only Bilbao, A Coruña, San Sebastián, Santander, Vitoria and Oviedo will be below 30 degrees today, especially San Sebastián, which will barely exceed 24 degrees.

This episode of intense heat has caused up to 7 communities -Madrid, both Castillas, Canarias, Andalucía, Galicia and Extremadura- to have activated the warning (orange or yellow) this morning for maximums that will rise to 41 degrees, with special intensity in the peninsular southwestern area.

Tomorrow the temperatures will continue to rise slightly, so Aemet has activated the orange warning in 4 communities -Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, the Canary Islands and Extremadura- for maximums of up to 42 degrees (on time 43 degrees), and in 6 the yellow level – Aragón, Castilla y León, Catalonia, Galicia, Madrid, La Rioja- where the thermometers will oscillate between 34 and 39 degrees.

These high temperatures will also affect the minimum with tropical and probably torrid nights -those in which it does not fall below 25 degrees- in the Mediterranean area, in the central area and in the southern and western half, and possibly in points of Galicia. .

In this way, next morning, Cádiz will have a minimum of 26 degrees, the highest value in the entire country, followed by Seville with 24 degrees; Barcelona and Almería with 23 degrees; Córdoba, Alicante, Cáceres, Jaén, Málaga and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria with 22 degrees.

From Aemet, they point out that this heat wave episode is the consequence of a “extensive and powerful Atlantic anticyclone” centered to the southwest of the British Isles that favors a situation of high stability throughout the country, with a very stationary air mass, and that due to the high insolation, its temperature is increasing.

This situation is expected to continue under similar conditions, and therefore giving rise to a gradual and progressive increase in temperatures, throughout the weekend, more pronounced in the Canary archipelago.

As of Monday, it is expected that a DANA, located to the west of the peninsula, will begin to generate a circulation from south to north, which will displace a very warm air mass of African origin, at all levels, so that it is likely that the thermal rise “intensifies”, at least the following days, especially in the Canary Islands, both plateaus, the northwestern half of Andalusia, the southeast of Galicia and in areas of the Ebro valley.

Meteorology points out that high temperatures carry a significant risk of forest fires, so it is urgent to take extreme precautions, with special attention to the regulations of the autonomous community on fire prevention, especially in the south, east, west of the peninsula and in the Canary Islands where this Saturday the risk of fire is “extreme or very high”.

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