1.- Feijóo meets by surprise with the Prime Minister of Morocco and distances himself from “Sánchez’s clandestine letter” about the Sahara
The president of the PP takes advantage of a congress in the Netherlands to transfer to Rabat that, if he governs, he will not assume Sánchez’s commitments without consensus.
2.- PP and Ciudadanos, willing to appeal to the TC the Catalan decree against 25% if Sánchez renounces denouncing it
From the ranks of Vox, the application of 155 is directly demanded after the movements of the Government to circumvent the judicial sentence.
3.- The new Celaá Law textbooks censor philosophers for their “machismo”
Teachers denounce “misrepresentation” and “lack of rigor” in high school manuals. “Plato, Aristotle, Ortega… defame the female intellect.”
4.- Childhood hepatitis and Covid, this is how the infection causes liver disorders in children
While cases of hepatitis already number almost 700 worldwide, researchers lay the foundations for a hypothesis that sees SARS-CoV-2 as the trigger.
5.- “There is a brutal niche of those affected by cryptocurrencies. There are prosecutors, judges…”
Emilia Zaballos, president of the Association of People Affected by Cryptocurrency Investments, believes that digital currencies are the future and calls for the creation of a specific regulation for the sector.
6.- The great offensive to liberate Kherson: “I just needed to remember everything I learned in the Soviet era”
Ukraine launches a counterattack to retake the first city occupied by the Russians and relieve the pressure on Donbas.
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