Apogee Entertainment recently launched Quest Master on Steam Early Access, giving Nintendo fans a chance to indulge in their ‘Zelda Maker’ fantasies. The game allows players to create themed dungeons with pixel art visuals reminiscent of classic Zelda games. While the game is still in Early Access, fans have already started recreating iconic Zelda locations, with one fan even replicating the entire overworld from the original Legend of Zelda on NES.

The official Quest Master account has confirmed that players have recreated dungeons from various Zelda games, including Minish Cap, A Link to the Past, Oracle games, Link’s Awakening, the original NES Zelda, and even Ocarina of Time. While creating actual overworlds is currently not possible in Quest Master, developers are considering adding this feature in the future.

Interestingly, Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma has expressed reservations about the idea of an official Zelda Maker, stating that he doesn’t believe it would be a good fit for The Legend of Zelda series. Despite this, fans are excited about the prospect of recreating entire Zelda games in Quest Master.

Are you intrigued by the Zelda recreation in Quest Master? Will you be checking out the game when it releases on the Switch? Share your thoughts with us.