A three-player group was disqualified in the Fortnite Champion Series, dropping a shot in a share of a $3 million prize pool, even after one of these led the message”like literally fucking k!ll your$self” in Epic Games chief creative officer Donald Mustard on Twitter. The tweet, and also the participant’s whole Twitter accounts , have been deleted, but a picture of this remark was recorded by Dexerto.

Among Wrigley’s teammates, Dictate, shared with the telling he received of his group’s disqualification from the tournament, which states that the group violated ruler 8.1.2:”players have to be respectful of other gamers, Event Administrators, spectators, and sponsors (as important ).”

8.1.3 – gamers will not act in a way (a) which violates these Rules, (b) that is disruptive, dangerous or harmful, or (c) that is otherwise detrimental to the pleasure of the Game from other users as planned by Epic (as determined by Epic). Specifically, players will not engage in harassing or disrespectful behaviour, use of abusive or offensive speech, sport sabotage, spamming, social technology, scamming, or some other unlawful action (“Hazardous Behavior”).
The next part of this trio, Userz, advised Polygon the Wrigley’s outburst came after he had been sniped at the initial round of this FNCS grand finals, also stated that neither he nor Dictate were attentive to the tweet until the following day. Regardless of this, Wrigley’s teammates were ejected in the contest without the chance to locate a various third party.

The actual kicker is that if Wrigley, Dictate, and Userz had arrived in last place at the championship, they would have made money: All teams that create the finals of their Chapter two Season 5 FNCS from the NA East branch are guaranteed at least $1,800, which ends up to $600 per participant. Being disqualified means that they leave empty-handed.

I have achieved to Epic to inquire if there is any possibility of reinstatement for Dictate and Userz, and will update if I get a reply.