
I showed the image above to my colleagues at Kotaku and asked them to guess which game it was. Surprisingly, the most popular answer was Call of Duty. However, the screenshot is actually from Fortnite. Epic Games recently showcased an experimental FPS module that creators can use in the Unreal Engine Fortnite (UEFN) to develop new maps and games in first person.

This new feature is a step closer to adding a proper first-person option to Fortnite. Data miners and rumors have hinted at Epic working on a first-person mode for the battle royale game, but this official look gives us a glimpse of what the studio has been working on. Previously, players had to resort to using crude workarounds or camera hacks to achieve an FPS option in fan-made Fortnite maps, which often led to bugs and glitches. Epic addressed these issues in the blog post introducing the FPS module, signaling a move towards more official and polished gameplay mechanics.

While the FPS mode is still in the testing phase and not available for public use yet, the results look promising. Despite some weapons not functioning properly with the new module and a few graphical issues, the overall experience seems solid. It’s likely that Epic will soon introduce an FPS battle royale mode in Fortnite, opening up a new realm of possibilities for UEFN developers to create diverse gaming experiences within the Fortnite universe.

Fortnite is already a versatile game with various modes and features, but the addition of an FPS option could expand its gameplay even further. It’s exciting to think about the potential for innovative and immersive experiences that players and creators can explore once the FPS module is refined and made accessible for wider use. Stay tuned for more updates on Fortnite’s evolving gaming landscape.