A skydiver died this Saturday when he was practicing base jumping, an extreme risk sport, in the Huesca municipality of Plan, in the Aragonese Pyrenees.

For reasons that are being investigated, the young athlete would have jumped abnormally, resulting in serious injury. Some companions have given the notice and mountain rescue groups and 061 toilets have come to the place, but they have not been able to do anything for his life.

The body of the deceased has been transferred to the mortuary in Boltaña (Huesca).

The accident took place in Peña de Sin, a limestone mass about 500 meters high, with a large cut that is usually used by jumpers and climbers.

Base jumping is a high-risk activity that combines high-speed gliding, using a aerodynamic suit, with the use of a paraglider to land.

It is called BASE jumping after the initials in English of the places from which it is jumped: Buildings, Anthens, Spans and Earth: buildings, antennas, bridges and land or cliffs.

In some cases a parachute is used and in others the jumper wears a suit that incorporates membranes as wings. The jumper picks up momentum and launches into the void, gliding away from the wall.

This Saturday’s accident occurred around 9:00 a.m. in the municipality of the aforementioned Huesca municipality and, after the 112 call, the Boltaña Mountain Rescue and Intervention Group (Greim) and other troops from the same specialty were mobilized. displaced from Huesca, with the support of the air unit and a health worker from 112.

Apparently, the jumper has survived the fall, but later died due to the seriousness of the injuries.

It is estimated that the mortality rate in this modality is one in 2,300 jumps and it is estimated that in the last thirty years more than 170 people have lost their lives doing this sport.

Among them, some well-known, such as the adventurer and presenter Álvaro Bultó, in August 2013 in the Swiss Alps; and that of the chef Darío Barrio, the following year in Jaén.

In the last five years, BASE jumping has claimed three lives in the Aragonese Pyrenees, including the one on Saturday.

On June 1, 2018, Óscar Cacho, 49, a civil guard from the special unit of the Jaca Mountain Headquarters, died in Punta Calva, in the municipality of Plan.

A great fan of this sport, he had thrown himself into the void more than 600 times in recent years, since, in his spare time, he practiced this activity with a suit with wings.

On July 16, 2017, a 55-year-old man from Madrid, a resident of Tres Cantos, died in the Montrebei gorge, with 500-meter walls.

Then, a 180-degree turn of the parachute was pointed out as a possible cause of the accident, which caused it to hit the wall and fall to the ground.

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