In 2001, Lucasarts released Star Wars: Obi-Wan, an exclusive game for the Xbox that starred Obi-Wan Kenobi. Despite not being a great game, it had some interesting ideas and offered a fun way to experience the first Star Wars prequel. However, over 20 years later, the game remains trapped on the original Xbox with no official remakes, remasters, or backward compatibility support.

While other older Star Wars games like Bounty Hunter are getting remastered versions, Obi-Wan has been left behind. If you want to play Star Wars: Obi-Wan in 2024, your options are limited. You can either buy an OG Xbox and a copy of the game, or try emulating it on a third-party software, although the latter option may not provide the best gaming experience due to crashes and graphical bugs.

A plea is made to Lucasfilm Games or Xbox to consider remastering Obi-Wan for modern platforms like the Switch or making it backward compatible on Xbox One and Series X/S consoles. A remastered version of Obi-Wan would not only preserve a part of video game history but also satisfy the current fan excitement for prequel-era content in 2024.

In conclusion, it’s about time for Star Wars: Obi-Wan to receive the remaster it deserves and be saved from obscurity. Fans are eager to see this classic game brought to more platforms and given a new lease on life in the gaming world. Let’s hope that developers heed this call and unlock the potential of Obi-Wan for a new generation of players to enjoy.