Netflix recently released the Tomb Raider animated series, The Legend of Lara Croft, which has left fans craving more adventure. Luckily, the entire Tomb Raider franchise is currently on sale across all platforms until October 24th.
For PC, Xbox, and PlayStation players, the Tomb Raider: Definitive Survivor Trilogy is the best deal to take advantage of. This trilogy includes the games Tomb Raider (2013), Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider. These games have reimagined Lara Croft as a tough survivor in addition to a skilled treasure hunter. Rise of the Tomb Raider, in particular, is highlighted as the best of the three. The entire trilogy can be purchased for $14.99 or $11.98 on Steam, providing hours of thrilling gameplay.
Nintendo Switch users may not have access to the trilogy deal, but they can still enjoy the first three games of the original series in their remastered release for $14.99. These classic games are known for their engaging stories and satisfying gameplay, with Tomb Raider II being a standout title.
Additionally, Xbox and PC players have a unique opportunity to purchase Tomb Raider: Underworld for $2.99 or $0.98, respectively. This game, released in 2008, bridges the gap between the classic era and the more recent reboot trilogy. Despite being overlooked in recent years, Tomb Raider: Underworld offers a great experience for fans of Lara Croft’s adventures.
The Legend of Lara Croft series actually continues after the events of the Definitive Survivor Trilogy, making it a perfect opportunity to delve deeper into Lara’s story. Whether you are a longtime fan of the franchise or new to the world of Tomb Raider, these discounted games provide a chance to immerse yourself in thrilling adventures at a great price. Don’t miss out on this limited time offer to save big on Tomb Raider games and join Lara Croft on her epic quests.