The Spanish Royal Family lives these days in the Albéniz palace, the official residence of Don Felipe, Doña Letizia, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía in Barcelona. Due to his presence, the King’s crimson banner hangs from the entrance mast. And in its gardens there were more residents than usual this morning, because as was done in 2021, the King and Queen and their daughters received representatives of the Princess of Girona Foundation at their home to share the morning before the award ceremony .
While Don Felipe and Doña Letizia held a meeting with the Foundation’s Advisory Council, the Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofía attended a workshop. Sitting in a semicircle prepared in the gardens of the mansion, the young women, together with nine other boys, followed the training of Hadi Partovi, the Iranian who learned to program in a self-taught way during the war and who is now trying to teach programming in all schools of the world.
Doña Leonor and Doña Sofía shared the workshop with young people who participate in the “teaching generation” program of the Princess of Girona Foundation and who try to teach computer science in their classrooms.
After that moment, the winners from other years have arranged themselves on the back steps of the mansion to take a family photograph with the Family. Among them was Xavier Ros-Otón, the mathematician who in 2019 received the award for Scientific Research with a yellow bow on his lapel. He today did not wear a tie and joked with the Royal Family when at the time of the photograph, due to his height, he covered the Infanta Sofía.
The Royal Family has been strolling up the steps. The Queen and her daughters wore espadrilles and each wore a dress in her style. Doña Letizia, in a cream-colored dress. The Princess of Asturias, who has had burns on her left hand since Sunday, wears a long printed shirt dress. Finally, the Infanta Sofía has continued with her style by choosing a short white dress with black polka dots and shirt sleeves.
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