Pictures of filming occurring at Saunton Beach at Devon show what surely looks like the Wild Hunt in a scene from Netflix’s adaptation of The Witcher Season 2 (via Redanian Intelligence, who claim to have sources confirming that is who they are).

Presumably their role in the show will be different, and this could even be a short cameo appearance setting them up to be antagonists later on.

That bony black armor looks appropriate for its cavalcade of spooky riders that, to prevent spoilers, are explained as this in a book found in The Witcher 3:”From farmers and herdsmen, milkmaids to midwives–each of the common folk of the Continent whisper, sharing stories of a wraithly procession pounding across the skies. The Wild Huntthey predict it. Winds and gales, storms and blizzards arise when it is sighted, and all grows cold, though the sun shone bright minutes before. Some remember only the cold from the jolt they experience, and assert the Riders come consistently in winter. But nay, this isn’t so–that the Hunt brings its own ice.”

Filming of The Witcher was delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as an injury Henry Cavill suffered on place, but the next season is available for a release later in 2021. We have seen a number of those additions to this cast already, including the actors including Philippa Eilhart, Nenneke, and Dijkstra.