
Netflix’s latest animated series, Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft, has left fans feeling disappointed. Despite the iconic heroine’s portrayal being a saving grace, the show falls short in many aspects. The plot is shallow, the characters are uninteresting, and the lack of adventure is disappointing.

The series picks up where the most recent reboot of the Tomb Raider games left off, reintroducing audiences to Lara Croft, voiced by Hayley Atwell. However, the show’s insistence on rehashing events and emotional struggles from the games leaves much to be desired. Lara’s character development seems to regress rather than progress, as the plot focuses too heavily on past storylines.

The main storyline of the series revolves around Lara trying to stop a man named Charles Devereaux from collecting MacGuffins that could allow him to reshape the world. Despite attempts to make Devereaux a compelling antagonist, the character falls flat by the season’s end. The show’s pacing is frustrating, with puzzles and locations that feel like mere plot devices.

The environment design lacks the sense of wonder expected from an adventure series, and the visuals fail to captivate the audience. Lara’s adventures through different locations lack the spectacle and compelling design needed to engage viewers. However, Atwell’s portrayal of Lara is a bright spot in the series, bringing a charm and humor to the character that was missing in previous iterations.

Overall, Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft struggles to find its identity and falls short of creating a truly engaging and exciting adventure. While Lara shines thanks to Atwell’s performance, the rest of the show fails to live up to her standard. If the series hopes to continue and succeed, it needs to refocus on creating an adventure worthy of its iconic heroine.