1. Delgado manages to get Moncloa to name his executing arm as his successor in all the controversies of the Prosecutor’s Office

Álvaro García, a man of his utmost confidence, will be his substitute at the head of the Attorney General’s Office

2. The day after the fire that devastated Zamora: “The fire is over because there is nothing left to burn”

The residents of the burned region, who came to fight the fire with hardly any professional help, cry for the lost land. “What has burned us has been the heart”, they say

3. Belarusian guerrillas train to overthrow Lukashenko

About a thousand volunteers from that country have enlisted in the Ukrainian ranks while the opposition in Poland is preparing a plan to launch an armed revolt against the dictator

4. Europe is preparing its contingency plan for the shortage of Russian gas with the opposition of the large Spanish industry

The Commission today presents its savings plan to face a winter without gas from Russia

5. The confusion of Movistar: neither stages, nor general and in danger of relegation

The Spanish team, denied on the Tour, advances with the anguish of losing the World Tour category at the end of the year. Enric Mas left the Top 10: “I had to have been on the run. It’s my fault”

6. Javier Biosca, the fallen king of the cryptocurrency empire returns to prison

From his small business in Toledo he went on to set up one of the largest Spanish investment platforms in virtual currencies. The judge has ordered the provisional readmission of him to prison alerted by the risk of flight

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