Seeing Bildu become a governance partner, sometimes transcendental for the Government, as happened to save the first anti-crisis decree or has happened to ensure the Historical Memory Law, is a circumstance that is still difficult to digest in sectors of the PSOE, especially in the most classic socialism. “I would not go to anything with Bildu,” ex-president Felipe González cried yesterday. He also does not like to see barons like Javier Lambán or Emiliano García-Page in the command bridge of governance. Precisely, the government of Castilla-La Mancha will approve next Tuesday its law to support and protect victims of terrorism.

This García-Page initiative will be validated, “finally” the regional president pointed out yesterday, by the Governing Council just a few days after the Congress of Deputies gave the green light to the Historical Memory Law, after the pact between Bildu and the Government. Despite the fact that from the Government and from the PSOE they deny that the agreements with Bildu suppose concessions to the abertzale formation and ask to read the rule before expressing opinions, the truth is that there is still discomfort in party spheres.

Page himself evidenced it yesterday when he stated that the law to support victims of terrorism promoted by his regional Executive “would be the only law that I would not care if people could support who dirty everything they touch, such as Bildu.” The Castilian-Manchego president made an exercise of opposing his norm against the pact with the abertzale formation a law like the one of Memory.

“The recent history of Spain is tragically marked by terrorism. Fortunately, in recent years there has been a citizen reaction that has given rise to public recognition and tribute to the victims. The future of our coexistence must be built on the memory of the victims”, collects the text promoted by Castilla-La Mancha.

The pacts with Bildu continue to be indigestible for sectors of the PSOE

From the Autonomous Executive they explain that they have been holding work meetings since 2018 with associations of victims of terrorism and that as a result of these they want to promote public policies that promote the memory and dignity of the victims of terrorism.

“It is necessary to recognize the sacrifice made by the victims of terrorism in favor of the whole society. The victims are the human face of the consequences of violence and that is why it is necessary to be aware of the suffering produced in people and their families, ”explains the text to which the Castilian-Manchego Governing Council will give the green light. A rule that contemplates tax benefits “specifically aimed at taxpayers who have the status of victims of terrorism, or where appropriate, their heirs.” Benefits that may affect both own taxes and assigned taxes.

Page considers that the ‘abertzale’ formation “dirties everything it touches”

The condition of victim of terrorism will be accredited by means of final administrative resolutions issued by competent bodies of the General Administration of the State from which the recognition of the interested parties of the right to receive the compensation provided for in the state regulations is derived.

Castilla-La Mancha is not the first region to promote a law of these characteristics. In the Community of Madrid there is Law 5/2018, of October 17, for the protection, recognition and memory of the victims of terrorism; in Extremadura, Law 2/2020, of March 4, on support, assistance and recognition of victims of terrorism; In Andalusia, Law 10/2010, of November 15, regarding measures for assistance and attention to victims of terrorism…

From the Government of Castilla-La Mancha they consider “essential to promote the memory of the victims and promote education for peace and non-violence.”

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