June 30th. This is the deadline for the coalition government to extend the War Impact Response Plan. An extension in which the Executive is already working, but which is not enough for United We Can. The minority member proposes to add new measures immediately with which to continue leading the singing voice in social matters in the Council of Ministers.
For this reason, the purples have made public this Monday their proposal to the PSOE on the need to add new mechanisms to the package with which to deal with inflation and economic uncertainty, such as the reduction of the public transport subscription to 10 euros, the increase 15% of non-contributory pensions or the prohibition of supply cuts to vulnerable families.
These requests have been communicated from the Ministry of Social Rights, commanded by Ione Belarra, to the respective departments that are already working on the negotiation to extend the plan for the coming months. However, from the purple party there is the fear that the campaign in Andalusia and the NATO summit in Madrid will dissipate the work, slow down the results and, as has happened in previous negotiations, rush until the last hours to reach an agreement that convinces both partners.
Despite the willingness of both parties to reach an agreement, in the minority member of the government coalition they are already preparing to collide again with the PSOE and avoid concessions in the social field. The measure on public transport is, in the eyes of United We Can, one of the most relevant of the novelties transferred this Monday to the Presidency and other portfolios and its approval, similar to what has been done recently in Germany, would have an effect ” transverse” in the population.
According to reports from Social Rights, this price drop would be covered through the application of the Contingency Fund and the granting of a credit supplement in the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda for an amount of 560 million, which would finance an Extraordinary Fund of Promotion of Public Transport.
However, United We Can consider at this stage of the negotiation that the measure on pensions may be the one that can generate the most friction between partners. The purples propose to incorporate a growth of 15% cumulatively to the payroll for the month of July 2022. “In this way, the lowest pensions will be able to face the increase in prices they are suffering without having to wait until the end of the year seeing a decrease in their purchasing power during these months”, has been explained from Social Rights.
Regarding the prohibition to cut the supply to vulnerable families, United We Can request “the urgent approval of a modification of the Social Bonus with several objectives: expand its extension so that it reaches two million families, speeding up their access through the automation of procedures and the exchange of information between administrations, and regulating the application of the precautionary principle”.
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