“I want them to wake up every morning thinking ‘what have I done for Ukraine’.” This is how President Volodímir Zelensky concluded his speech before the World Economic Forum auditorium, which has started its annual meeting in Davos after two years of hiatus due to the pandemic.
Zelenski has thanked “the current unity response of governments and companies”, but has scolded them for not having acted preventively. “They should have acted before with Russia. If there had been a preventive action, we would have saved many lives,” he stressed in a telematic intervention before the main hall of the Davos congress center. “Now we need 5,000 million dollars a month”, he has quantified before an audience in which there were European authorities such as the president of Switzerland, Ignazio Cassis, and presidents of Western multinationals.
Zelensky has demanded “maximum sanctions” against the Russian Federation and that “foreign companies leave that country so as not to be complicit in war crimes.” In exchange, he has offered them “a market of 40 million” in reference to Ukraine and its reconstruction. He has proposed organizing the reconstruction with regions and without obstacles for foreign investors who, if they bet on Ukraine, “will see their brand revalued.”
“History is at a turning point… This is really the moment when it is decided whether brute force will rule the world,” Zelensky exclaimed after vindicating his performance. “They said that we would not last two days and we have stopped the second strongest army in the world.”
The founder of the Forum, the German Klaus Schwab, has asked Zelensky what the West can do to prevent the Ukrainian grain supply, vital for dozens of countries, from continuing to function. “The Russians have blocked our ports, they are stealing our grain,” replied the Ukrainian leader. He has asked that corridors be organized so that they can transit their products. He believes that different solutions will be necessary, including “access to Baltic ports” and “rail transport”. “I don’t know how much time Europe has”, he slipped before the audience,
He has been moved when narrating that every morning they communicate the number of deceased. “This morning there were 87. Ukraine has a future but it will be done without them.”
It has supported any measure of expropriation of Russian assets to rebuild Ukraine, as stated by the German Finance Minister, Christian Lindner, in statements to EL MUNDO. “If the aggressor loses everything, he will be deprived of motivation for war,” he stressed. “Further precedents must be avoided.” “If we had received the answer that we have now last February, hundreds of thousands of lives would have been saved,” he repeated, appealing to the Western conscience. They have applauded him at the beginning and at the end of his intervention.
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