How To Train Your Dragon, the beloved DreamWorks animated film, is getting a live-action remake that is set to hit theaters on June 13, 2025. The movie tells the story of a young Viking named Hiccup and his unlikely friendship with a black dragon named Toothless. The original film, released in 2010, was a huge success with audiences of all ages.

In the live-action remake, Hiccup will be played by Mason Thames, known for his role in The Black Phone, while Toothless remains the adorable and fierce dragon fans have come to love. The trailer for the remake has been released, giving us a glimpse of the stunning visuals and the iconic moments from the original film.

While some fans may be skeptical about the need for a live-action version of the animated classic, it is clear that Hollywood is banking on the nostalgia and love for the original film to draw in audiences. The remake promises to bring Toothless to life in a whole new way, thanks to advancements in CGI and special effects.

One of the concerns raised by fans is whether the live-action remake will be able to capture the magic and charm of the original film. With Gerard Butler reprising his role as Hiccup’s father and a new cast bringing fresh energy to the story, there is hope that the remake will be a worthy tribute to the beloved animated classic.

As we wait for the release of the live-action How To Train Your Dragon, fans can revisit the original film on streaming platforms like Max and Hulu. For those who grew up with Hiccup and Toothless, the remake offers a chance to relive the adventure in a whole new way.

Whether you’re a longtime fan of How To Train Your Dragon or a newcomer to the story, the live-action remake is sure to be an exciting and nostalgic journey. Get ready to soar through the skies with Toothless once again when the movie hits theaters in 2025.