Yacht Club Games is celebrating Shovel Knight’s 10th anniversary with a special treat for fans – the Shovel of Hope DX edition. This enhanced version of the original game will bring new features and excitement to players. While the release date and platforms are still being kept under wraps, it’s promised to be coming soon.

The DX edition will offer players the chance to choose their champion from a selection of 20 unique characters, a new “Rewind” feature, save states for easier gameplay, and the option for both local and online multiplayer. Additionally, players can enjoy stereoscopic 3D graphics for an immersive experience.

The official description of the game promises an epic adventure where players must save Shield Knight, defeat the evil Enchantress, and take down her Order of No Quarter. With online multiplayer, players can team up with friends from around the world to tackle challenges and the main adventure. The game also brings back favorite features from previous versions, including Challenge Stages, Custom Knight, and the Battle Ghost Arena.

The Shovel of Hope DX edition aims to be the definitive version of the game, preserving its historical elements while adding new multiplayer features and enhancements. With over 300 cheats to customize the gameplay experience, players can make the adventure as challenging or unique as they desire.

Whether you’re a long-time fan of Shovel Knight or new to the series, the DX edition promises an exciting and re-shoveled adventure ready for glory. Make sure to add it to your wishlist so you’re prepared for its release.

Are you looking forward to the Shovel of Hope DX edition? Have you played the original game before? Share your thoughts in the comments below.