Welcome back to the Nintendo Life Mailbox! It’s been a bit quiet on the Switch front lately, but with the upcoming Nintendo Direct, we’re hoping for some exciting announcements to get us all hyped up. This month, we’ve received just a handful of letters, so let’s see what our readers have to say.

First up, we have MetaCrystal, who raised some interesting points about the NSO expansion pack. They questioned why Nintendo hasn’t backed up the Virtual Console library to NSO or added popular games like Pokemon and Smash to the available apps. While there may be some frustration around the NSO offerings, there’s still a lot of value and convenience for the asking price. It’s possible that Nintendo is prioritizing resources for more popular series, but here’s hoping we see some new releases in the upcoming Direct.

Next, Moblin shared their thoughts on the technical challenges of open-world Pokemon games on the Switch. While the platform is capable, there have been some issues with games like Legends: Arceus and Sword & Shield. It’s a tough balance between ambitious worlds and technical performance, but Game Freak should have the resources to make these flagship games run smoothly.

Finally, Solomon_Rambling asked about why our reviewers use “we” instead of “I” in their reviews. This practice is a legacy tradition that helps maintain a sense of community and kinship on our site. While it may have its drawbacks, we believe it adds to the overall experience for our readers.

In addition to these letters, we also received some bonus questions and comments, including suggestions for the Detective Pikachu movie sequel and technical issues with sending emails. It’s always great to hear from our readers, even if it’s just to say hello or share a funny anecdote.

That’s all for this month’s Nintendo Life Mailbox! If you have something you’d like to share or a burning question you need answered, be sure to follow the submission guidelines on our Contact page. We look forward to hearing from you and sharing more of your thoughts in the future editions.