
Jack Black and Kyle Gass, the duo behind Tenacious D, are facing a major setback after a controversial joke about the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump at a recent campaign rally. The joke, made by Gass during a performance in Sydney, Australia, drew laughter from the crowd, including Black. However, in the wake of backlash and calls for deportation from Australian Senator Ralph Babet, Black announced on Instagram that the Tenacious D tour would be canceled and all future creative plans put on hold.

This decision has surprised many fans, as Tenacious D has a history of speaking their minds and not shying away from controversy. The band, formed in 1994, has been known for their politically charged lyrics and outspoken views. They have openly criticized past presidents, including George W. Bush and Donald Trump, and have performed protest songs against the government.

In light of the backlash to Gass’ joke, both Black and Gass issued apologies on Instagram, denouncing violence and expressing regret for their comments. Black, a supporter of President Joe Biden, had plans for Tenacious D to hold Rock the Vote concerts in battleground states leading up to the election. However, following the incident, Biden himself addressed the nation, condemning political violence and calling for a halt to divisive rhetoric.

The controversy surrounding Tenacious D highlights the fine line between humor and offense, especially in the current political climate. It serves as a reminder of the power of words and the importance of responsible speech, particularly in the public eye. As fans grapple with the cancellation of the tour and the fallout from the incident, it remains to be seen how Tenacious D will navigate this challenging situation and whether they will be able to recover from the backlash.