Dwayne Johnson, also known as “The Rock,” has recently addressed the scandal regarding him urinating in bottles on set in a candid interview with GQ. The rumors were initially reported by The Wrap, stating that Johnson had his team dispose of Voss bottles filled with his urine while filming the movie Red One. In the interview, Johnson confirmed the allegations, stating that he does indeed pee in bottles while on set, explaining that it helps him save time during filming.

The anonymous source who leaked this information claimed that Johnson’s actions may have upset the cast and crew, as having a production assistant or team member dispose of the urine-filled bottles could have been unpleasant. However, Johnson’s admission was brief, leaving room for speculation on how his colleagues truly felt about the situation. Perhaps an op-ed from someone who handled the bottles could shed more light on the matter.

In addition to the urine scandal, Johnson and his Red One co-star Chris Evans also addressed allegations of Johnson arriving late to set, potentially causing delays in the film’s production. While Johnson admitted to being late at times, he denied the claim of arriving up to eight hours late, calling it an inaccurate exaggeration. Evans supported Johnson by stating that his lateness was predictable enough to be factored into the production schedule, downplaying the severity of the situation.

It seems that Johnson’s immense success in Hollywood, grossing over $12 billion at the box office, may have granted him some leeway when it comes to punctuality and bathroom breaks. Despite the controversy surrounding his on-set habits, it appears that Johnson’s star power and box office draw outweigh any minor inconveniences he may cause. As the saying goes, “Never on schedule, always on time,” seems to apply to Johnson, and it looks like his fans and colleagues are willing to overlook his quirks for the sake of his talent and contributions to the entertainment industry.