It’s N7 Day, the special day for Mass Effect fans celebrated by BioWare. This year, instead of teasing the next Mass Effect game, BioWare released Dragon Age: The Veilguard. To maintain brand synergy, they added Mass Effect-themed armor sets for free in The Veilguard game.

If you have completed Harding’s mission “The Singing Blade,” you can find the Mass Effect armor in the Lighthouse base. Inside a chest next to the Workshop, you will discover two armor appearances named Specter of Battles Past and Paragon of Leadership, as well as a helmet called Command Helmet. These items are not new armor sets with different stats, but rather appearances that you can wear in Rook’s room while keeping the defensive capabilities and effects of your current armor sets. The Specter of Battles Past includes a distinctive red stripe down the sleeve, reminiscent of Commander Shepard’s armor from the original Mass Effect trilogy. This is a creative way to honor the beloved series while Dragon Age is in the spotlight.

In addition to the Mass Effect content in The Veilguard, BioWare has collaborated with Destiny developer Bungie and No Man’s Sky studio HelloGames to reintroduce their Mass Effect-themed events. Despite the lack of major announcements, it’s a thoughtful gesture to include these small nods to the fan-favorite series on N7 Day.

While this year may seem quieter for N7 Day celebrations, it’s perhaps for the best. With the Mass Effect series currently on hiatus, a full-fledged annual celebration might be challenging for BioWare to deliver. Including a little something in The Veilguard demonstrates their appreciation for fans of both Dragon Age and Mass Effect.

For more information on Dragon Age: The Veilguard, you can read Kotaku’s review and find helpful tips for beginners. Enjoy exploring the world of The Veilguard and donning your new Mass Effect-inspired armor sets!