Thousands of people demonstrated in Munich, Germany, on Saturday to call on G7 leaders to do more on climate change, one day before the start of the summit of the seven most industrialized countries.
Some 4,000 people, according to the police and 6,000 according to the organizers, protested in the streets of Munich to demand more action towards the climate after the call of a dozen environmental NGOs and the fight against inequalities.
The organizers anticipated a participation of 20,000 people under the slogan: “Climate crisis, extinction of species, inequalities: equity is something else!”.
“We only have one planet”, “More renewables, no to war”, could be read on some posters of the demonstration.
“What are you doing to get out of fossil fuels faster? What are you doing to stop the extinction of species more quickly?” Asked Viviane Raddatz, from the NGO WWF, calling on the heads of state and government of the G7.
The leaders of the seven most industrialized countries – Germany, Canada, the United States, France, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom – will meet until Tuesday at the castle of Elmau, about a hundred kilometers from Munich.
The G7 summit is being held under heavy police protection. German authorities want to avoid at all costs the violent outbursts that marred the G20 summit in Hamburg in 2017.
That year, violence had largely overshadowed discussions between leaders, with cars set on fire, shops looted and clashes between police and some protesters.
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