
Throne and Liberty, a popular MMO game on Steam, offers players hundreds of hours of content and character progression. If you enjoy running dungeons, farming for loot, and engaging in PVP battles, this game might be perfect for you. However, starting out in a complex game like this can be overwhelming, so here are some tips to help you kick off your adventure in Throne and Liberty.

Firstly, choose your server wisely, especially if you plan to play with friends. Remember that you can’t play with friends on different servers unless you’re willing to pay for a Server Transfer Ticket. So, make sure to coordinate with your friends before starting the game to avoid any issues later on.

When it comes to weapons, it’s essential to pick a combination that suits your playstyle early on and stick with it. While you have the flexibility to switch between weapon combos, leveling up each weapon type requires time and resources. Therefore, it’s recommended to experiment with different combos at the beginning and then focus on leveling up your preferred weapons.

Every weapon combination in Throne and Liberty is viable, but some combinations work better together than others. For example, if you’re looking to tank, Sword & Shield + Greatsword or Sword & Shield + Wand & Tome are excellent options. Understanding the synergy between different weapons can enhance your gameplay experience.

Completing early crafting and upgrade quests is crucial for increasing your Combat Power, which is necessary to access dungeons and other content in the game. By upgrading gear and equipping accessories early on, you can easily meet the Combat Power requirements for various activities in the game.

Joining a guild in Throne and Liberty offers numerous benefits, such as access to guild contracts, unique items, and guild skills that provide buffs to your character. Guilds play a significant role in the PVP experience of the game, allowing you to form alliances, fight raid bosses, and engage in territorial battles with other guilds.

Take advantage of free fast travel until level 30 by using waypoints across the map to quickly navigate between areas. Interacting with waypoints allows you to fast travel for free, saving you time and effort as you explore the world of Throne and Liberty.

By following these tips and strategies, you can start your journey in Throne and Liberty with confidence. Embrace the vast world of this MMO game and experience all it has to offer to fans of the genre. And if you’re interested in what’s happening in other MMOs, like the strange hippo obsession in Final Fantasy XIV, there’s always something new and intriguing to discover in the world of online gaming.