Minecraft has released a new update for the Switch version, bringing the Bedrock edition up to ver. 1.21.30. This update includes a range of new features, tweaks, and bug fixes to enhance the gameplay experience for players.

Experimental Features:
One of the key additions in this update is the experimental Bundles feature. Bundles allow players to stack different blocks or items together in the same inventory slot, saving valuable space. This feature is still in the testing phase, so players will need to enable the Bundle experiment when creating a new world to access it.

Bundles have a variety of functions, including the ability to pack different items together into the same stack, fitting one stack of items of various types, and allowing players to insert items directly into the Bundle in their inventory. Additionally, Bundles have a tooltip that displays the items inside, making it easy for players to see what’s stored in each Bundle.

Crafting and Blocks:
The update also includes changes to various blocks and crafting mechanics. Vertically retracting waterlogged blocks with a Piston no longer create “ghost water” on the client, improving the visual experience. Blocks like “purpur_block,” “cobblestone_wall,” and “sponge” have been split into unique instances to enhance gameplay and crafting possibilities.

Gameplay and Mobs:
Several gameplay improvements have been implemented in this update. Boats will no longer disappear while sliding on ice, ensuring a smoother sailing experience for players. Fixed crashes, improved collision shapes for Trial Spawners, and added new death messages for Mace smash attacks enhance the overall gameplay.

In terms of mobs, foxes now start with 10 health, sleeping villagers no longer make idle sounds, and Parrots can now imitate Endermites and Drowned, adding more depth to the game’s ecosystem.

User Interface and Controls:
The update also brings several changes to the user interface and controls. Improved d-pad for touch controls, better handling of the hide HUD command, and fixes for softlocks and health display issues enhance the overall user experience. Additionally, the addition of hotkeys for taking screenshots on controllers and keyboards makes capturing in-game moments easier for players.

Technical Updates:
The update includes a range of technical updates to improve the performance and stability of the game. Changes to AI goals, add-ons, script engine, and API enhancements ensure a smoother gameplay experience for players using custom content or mods.

Overall, the Minecraft Switch update brings a plethora of new features, improvements, and bug fixes to enhance the gameplay experience for players. With experimental Bundles, refined crafting mechanics, improved gameplay elements, and technical updates, this update is a significant step forward for the Minecraft community on the Switch platform. Players can dive into the updated world of Minecraft and explore all the new additions and changes for an even more immersive gaming experience.