
The latest Helldivers 2 patch has caused quite a stir among players due to some nerfs to the flamethrower. This has led to a wave of criticism so severe that the CEO of the studio felt compelled to respond. One player on the game’s subreddit has taken a unique form of protest by letting the bots advance and allowing Super Earth to burn.

The dramatic speech posted on the subreddit references Warhammer 40K’s trailer for the Horus Heresy, where a rebellion against the Emperor of Mankind takes place. While the Automatons are still a couple of systems away from Super Earth, they are currently attacking Curia, a planet with a significant number of players loyal to Super Earth.

The current Major Order tasks players with defending Troost and Vandalon IV, creating a situation where players need to balance a war on two fronts. This has led to speculation about the motivations behind players’ actions, with some suggesting that players may be following the big markers, attempting to zerg rush the target planets, or engaging in heretical compliance by overcommitting to the western front.

With the player base divided and the fate of Super Earth hanging in the balance, the outcome of this protest remains uncertain. While in the past, players could simply find a new Super Earth if they lost the Galactic War in Helldivers 1, the prolonged nature of Helldivers 2’s first war adds a new level of complexity to the situation.

If the heretics were to win and take Super Earth, it would pose a significant challenge for the game’s developers. While players have been vocal about their desire for new content like urban warfare maps, the studio’s slower update schedule may make it difficult to meet these demands.

Despite the uncertainty surrounding the outcome of this protest, one thing is clear: the Helldivers 2 community is not to be underestimated. Their past actions, such as the review bomb war of ’24, have shown that they have the power to make their voices heard and enact change in the game.

Harvey, a gaming enthusiast with a wide range of experience in the industry, has seen firsthand the impact that player protests can have. From his early days playing World of Warcraft to his current obsession with Final Fantasy 14, he understands the importance of listening to the community and adapting to their feedback.

As the conflict in Helldivers 2 continues to unfold, it will be interesting to see how the players’ actions shape the future of the game. Whether Super Earth falls to the heretics or remains under the control of the loyal players, one thing is certain: the community’s passion and dedication will continue to drive the evolution of Helldivers 2.