
Sega recently announced exciting news about their upcoming manga series, Sonic X Shadow Generations. The new manga will debut in the October issue of CoroCoro Comic, which will be available for purchase next month. The manga will be written by Yuki Imada, and fans are already buzzing with anticipation for this new addition to the Sonic universe.

In addition to the manga announcement, Sega has also released some stunning artwork featuring Shadow to promote Sonic X Shadow Generations. This series is part of the larger celebration of Shadow this year, with the recent reveal of the three-part prologue animated series, ‘Sonic X Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings’. Fans can also look forward to seeing the game showcased at Gamescom 2024 in Germany later this month.

As a lifelong fan of Mario, Master Chief, and Sonic the Hedgehog, Liam, a news writer and reviewer for Nintendo Life and Pure Xbox, is eagerly awaiting more details about this exciting new manga series. Stay tuned for updates on Sonic X Shadow Generations as more information becomes available.

It’s clear that Sega is pulling out all the stops to make this year a memorable one for Shadow fans, and the upcoming manga series is sure to be a highlight. Be sure to grab a copy of the October issue of CoroCoro Comic to dive into the world of Sonic X Shadow Generations and experience the thrilling adventures that await.