
Following Disney’s acquisition of Fox, the beloved animated series King of the Hill is set to be revived on Hulu. The revival will feature a time skip, showing an older Hank and Peggy Hill, as well as an adult Bobby Hill. A teaser shared on Instagram by voice actor Grey DeLisle gave fans a glimpse of what adult Bobby will look like in the upcoming series. He is depicted as a grown man with stubble, working as a renowned chef.

The teaser describes Bobby as a self-taught chef who draws inspiration from his childhood memories of food shared with family and friends. His career as a robata chef is influenced by grilling weekends with his dad and combines classic Texas dishes with flavors from around the world. Bobby believes that good food can solve any problem and aims to push culinary boundaries with his innovative fusion dishes.

Pamela Adlon, the original voice actress for Bobby Hill, will be returning to reprise her role in the revival. She revealed that Bobby is now 21 years old, working as a chef in a fusion restaurant in Dallas, Texas. The series will also see the return of Kathy Najimy, Stephen Root, and Mike Judge as Peggy, Bill, and Hank respectively. Johnny Hardwick, who voiced Dale, recorded a few episodes before his passing in 2023, leaving fans curious about who will take on the role in future episodes.

While an official release date for the King of the Hill revival on Hulu has not been announced yet, fans can expect to see their favorite characters navigating adult life with humor and heart. Stay tuned for more updates on this highly anticipated revival of a classic animated series.